Yesterday was the first day on the cleanse…
This was how my morning went …
6:30am Wake Up and think to my self “You’re not hungry, you’re not hungry….damnit I’m HUNGRY! Well, I can’t eat at 6:30 because that’s just way too early for breakfast and I haven’t even picked up the juice yet! Gotta wait til at least 8am.”
8:00am Pick up Juice and think “Got my juice! This is gonna be fun, man I hope the green juice tastes like the Wegmans Green Glory because that’s my favoirte!”
8:30am: First green juice down the hatch… “That does NOT taste like Wegmans…a bit too grassy but I know it’s good for me, I’ll drink it”
Then around 9:30am I had some hot water with lemon in it…
11:00am Red Juice Time! “Man I love beets but I hate beet-carrot juice…just drink it, drink your vitamins”
11:30am: This is where the effects of NOT eating kick in..or maybe it’s the overload of micronutrients because my head feels a little foggy and tight and my eye sights a bit patchy when I first standup…But it eventually passes
1:30pm Another green juice! Chug chug chug!
3:30pm Cayenne Pepper Lemonade “Whoa! This stuff is good, I don’t mind it at all!” It tastes like a kicked-up lemonade and not that spicy at all.
4:15pm: Revise my last statement, that Cayenne Lemonade is good til I get to to the end where all the cayenne fell.
After work, I hit the gym for some light walking on the treadmill, since I’m not supposed to be exercising on the cleanse.
6:30pm: Another red juice! “God I really hate red juice”
8:30pm : Cashew milk time! “OMG. This tastes like a melted smoothie, a bit cinnamony, sweet, creamy” LOVE IT!
– Does anyone know how to milk a cashew? Whenever I think of any kind of nut milk I picture someone literally milking a nut……(Don’t worry, I know you don’t actually milk a nut)
So day one evaluation: I didn’t mind it, wasn’t really that hungry at all but boy was I moody and the rage struck right around 5pm. It was the, don’t get in my way, don’t even look at me the wrong way type of rage. I was also a bit emotional all day but other that that I didn’t feel all that different and it wasn’t all that bad. Hopefully things will continue looking up for me! Other than that, my body isn’t feeling any different yet.
– this lovely video explains how to milk a nut. (well, sort of. obviously, not literally.) funny post!