It might appear that I have an obsession with cupcakes, but when I look back on it, I can’t quite pinpoint where this obsession came from.
This is the emergency stash of Cupcake Mints I carry in my purse incase I get a sweet, cupcake craving I need to immediately satisfy. Sadly, these taste more like marshmallows than cupcakes.
Truth be told, I was never really a fan of cake. Growing up, it wasn’t a dessert I tended to crave. I would usually eat a piece at a birthday party because it was a sweet, and because it was just plain there. Plus…cake at a birthday party is usually accompanied by ice cream – which I have always loved!
So I admit, I just hopped on the bandwagon when cupcakes became popular. Maybe I like them because they’re cute little miniature forms. Special and a single, portion sized controlled treat especially for me. Especially if I can customize them and make the cupcake of my dreams. Helloooo Dollop!!!! (I do miss you!) This dream cupcake would be a cupcake that’s super fudgy and covered in a jar of peanut butter with more pb flavors on top….kinda like this one!
Anyways, now I’m in Austin and luckily I’ve been able to still satisfy my cupcake cravings. This weekend I was able to do by attending Cupcake Smack Down 3.0. M<3 went too and he was able to enjoy himself while I tasted some cupcakes because it was held at a local Austin brewery where some Austin based craft brewers sampled their beer – for FREE!
Here I am. Inside the brewery, all decked out with cupcake and beer. Who knew they’d compliment one another so nicely? I think that apron is cute. And The Cupcake Bar had a great display with lots of cute cupcake jewelry options.
The first cupcake Mayank and I split was a mini red velvet from The Cupcake Bar with vanilla frost and Nerds. I’m a self proclaimed dessert snob and I give this cupcake a 2.5 out of 5. The cake was a bit too dry for my liking, the frosting a bit too runny (though it could have been the heat) and the vanilla flavor was a bit lacking, it was more like butter flavored.
Moving on, next we enjoyed an ah-mazing! cupcake ball from Austin Cake Ball. I’m not quite sure how I had never heard of this company since diving into Austin’s cupcake world. But now that they are on my radar I’m totally in love. Plus their cake balls come in super cute tins.
How could you not smile receiving a tin of Cake Balls – perfectly portioned, chocolate covered cake and frosting, in an assortment of flavors? And they do have a ton of flavors.
They were also offering Root Beer Float, Red Velvet, Salted Caramel, & S’mores. M<3 and I shared the Mojito Cake Ball. Although, if I hadn’t been splitting I would have gone for Root Beer Float…<3M Thinks Root Beer tastes like vomit so we went with the next best thing – a mock alcohol flavored cake ball to pair perfectly with our beer.
It’s pretty right? It tasted amazing too. I don’t know if it was really mojito flavored but it was light and refreshing and reminded me of Key Lime Pie. I would highly recommend these Cake Balls as a treat to send off to someone. Especially because I believe they’d travel well in those awesome Cake Ball tins! I give it a 4.5 out of 5.
Now for the definition of Cupcake SMACKDOWN.
So the best part of the Cupcake Smack Down was that it allowed attendees to fire off a Cupcake Cannon at real people.
Seriously, you could shoot a cupcake at someone who willingly volunteered to have cupcakes splattered all over them. Of course, with a little urging from M<3 I participated in some cupcake firings.
The Cupcake Smackdown target and some Green Piggies too!
The poor cupcakes that were sacrificed for our shooting pleasure.
The deadly weapon itself. It was heavily guarded at all times. I mean, why wouldn’t it be? It has the potential to rein terror on the dessert world as we know it.
Locked and Loaded and ready to sprinkle the Green Little
Piggies with a cannon full of crumbs!
Here I am, the sharp shooter, the Cupcake Sniper. I may look sweet and delicious but really I’m fierce and unforgiving. Plus, I do it in a dress.
Get ready…….Aim…….FIRE!!!
I totally rocked this. I shot the guy right in his….SPRINKLES!
They told me that the gun aimed high, so I aimed, I fired….and I forgot to account for gravity. Luckily my target walked away with his sprinkles unharmed.
This was super fun and something I can’t help but brag about, especially because it was unintentional……Or was it…? *evil laugh*
The best part I believe is when the crowed winced for my target,
feeling his sprinkle pain.
Obviously, this isn’t my shot, but here’s one I captured of the target getting nailed in his bowl full of jelly. This was a fun event just to watch. People were taking it seriously, waiting to get their aim just right before pulling the trigger. Can’t wait for next year!
Lastly, in honor of all cupcakes, and to help celebrate mine AND Austin’s love for cak head to and buy today’s deal for Lick It, Bite It, or Both. $5 for $10 worth of what I believe to be Austin’s best cupcakes.
These are cupcakes I ordered from LIBIOB. They were a hit and the girls I shared them with loved them too. Besides, who wouldn’t love mini cupcakes with hot pink frostings and glitter?
So trust me, I’ve tried plenty of cupcakes since moving here to Austin and these really are the best this city has to offer. Plus, if you’re like I used to be and just eat the cake to get the ice cream…Lick It, Bite It, or Both also offers ice cream. So have your cake and eat it too….with a side of ice cream!
This was hysterical! Loved reading about your cupcake advanture. Love the Sprinkle hit!!